JAZZ / LYRICAL / CONTEMPORARY - Must be 6 yrs. By September 1 2021
Jazz is a formal division discipline and students must be 6 years old (by September 1, 2020) to enroll in the program. Upon their enrollment, students are placed in levels according to their age and ability. Each level is designed to help a student master the technique of Jazz. Requirements are established to ensure the safety and development of the dancer. The School offers all new students a free trial class in order for our faculty to correctly level the dancer.
Please review requirements carefully and follow your level assignment. For dancers pursuing a “Jazz Track” with aspirations of college and/ or professional level dance it is recommended to take more than the required number of classes. Additionally dancers may take a lower level to meet requirements, accommodate schedule or increase number of classes taken.
REQUIREMENTS - Requirements must be followed or registration will not be processed. No exceptions.
PLEASE NOTE: It is common for a dancer to be a split-level between disciplines (ex: Ballet 4 / Jazz 3x) since dancers abilities are not always the same with each discipline. Levels are assigned based on each individual and their ability with each style of dance.
To be eligible for formal Level 1/1x, dancer must be 6 by September 1st. This is multi-year level. (2) jazz classes per week are recommended.
(2) Jazz class recommended.
(1) Ballet class per week strongly recommended (2) Jazz classes recommended.
(1) Ballet class per week required for Performance Company
LEVEL 3 (includes Lyrical & Contemporary)
(2) Jazz classes per week strongly recommended
(1) Ballet class per week strongly recommended.
Note: not taking ballet may delay the progression to advance further in formal division
(2) Jazz classes per week required & (1) Ballet class per week required for Performance Company.
LEVEL 3X (includes Lyrical & Contemporary)
(2) Jazz classes per week strongly recommended. (1) Ballet class strongly recommended.
NOTE: not taking Ballet may delay the progression to advance further in formal division.
(2) Jazz classes per week required & (2) Ballet classes per week required for Performance Company.
LEVEL 4 (includes Lyrical & Contemporary)
(2) Jazz classes per week required.
(1) Ballet class per week strongly recommended.
Note: not taking ballet may delay the progression to advance further in formal division.
(2) Jazz classes per week required & (2) Ballet classes per week required for Performance Company.
LEVEL 4x & 5
(includes Lyrical & Contemporary)
(2) Jazz classes per week required and (1) Ballet class per week required.
(3) Jazz classes per week required & (2) Ballet classes per week required for Performance Company.
If a dancer cannot meet requirements in recommended level, dancer is advised to take a level that better suits personal schedule. If you are very active in outside activities (dance team, musicals, sports etc.) in addition to dance, it is likely you will need to make choices.
Rock West dress codes are established for the dancer's safety and aid in the instructor's ability to correct and educate students.
Solid Black Leotard or dance/athletic tank top
Fitted dance/athletic leggings or shorts
with appropriate athletic undergarmentsIf shorts are very short, tights must be worn (capezio tan footed/convertible)
Jazz classes require tan jazz shoes
Hair must be worn neatly away from face in bun or ponytail
No exceptions.
Fitted white or black t-shirt
Athletic (“basketball”) shorts with appropriate athletic undergarments
Black jazz shoes/socks
Dancers that dress inappropriately will not be permitted to take class. Dancers that have back-to-back classes should only change shoes. Changing hair and attire is unnecessary and causes disruption to classes. Dancers that are late due to changing in between classes will not be permitted into class.
The Rock School offers teaching that is individual and hands-on. It is normal and appropriate for a member of the faculty to manually and physically position a pupil to expound a point of instruction or to identify some needed technique correction. The School neither condones nor tolerates any touching of students by instructors that is harmful, professionally reckless, or that violates generally accepted tenets of propriety. Before enrolling a student, please consider that it is school policy to correct children with physical contact. If the student or parent/guardian is uncomfortable with this policy, you may wish to reconsider enrolling the student.